The mainly used lighting fixture is the holder where the bulb can be fixed. The lighting fixture should be transparent in order to illuminate the light properly. Down lighting and front lighting is commonly used in most of the houses. The light is fixed in the ceiling for down lighting and sideward in the case of front lighting. Up lighting is less commonly used in houses.
Here is a simple method to trouble shoot an electrical motor.
The wiring cover is opened by unscrewing and the screws are set aside. The motors name plate is read and the type of the motors is kept in the mind. Usually it would be a low voltage motor of 115 volts or 230 volts. It could also be a 230 volt three stage motor or a 430 volt high voltage motor. This determines the number of power leads the motor has. Two power leads motor are single phased motor of 115 volt or 230 volt whereas all the three phase motors will such as 230 volt and 430 volt have three wire leads.
The plastic wire connectors are removed that is connected to the power supply. Volt ohm meter set to the ohm condition. In order to ensure the rotation now identify the power leads with the volt ohm meter the lead should read as Open lead (OL) or zero ohms. So when the motor is re-terminated the rotation would be correct.
Touch any one lead to the volt ohm meter to the case of the motor. It should read zero or open lead. If it shows any voltage then it could be a short in the motor windings. This shows a bad motor. If the resistance of the volt meter reads 20 mega ohms or larger in the case of a three phase motor then it is fine. Some three phase motors are designed to have high resistances. This could also be the symbol of bearing being weird and windings may be spoilt due to the excessive heat created.
In case of a single phase motor the capacitor should be removed from its housing. Do not touch the leads of the capacitor. It is similar to the battery and might have stored high voltage charge. Now turn the ohm meter to voltage and touch the leads of the exploded capacitor. If the voltage is read then the capacitor is charged. Hold the lead until the capacitor fully discharges and read zero. In case of a single phase motors only the capacitor needs to be changed most of the time
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