DMK MP J K Ritheesh, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting a Dalit and others during a clash at Kalavankudi near Sholandur in the district, was granted conditional bail today by the District and Sessions court. Judge Balasundaram asked the Ramanathapuram MP, who was arrested along with five others on Monday, to stay in Madurai and sign at the Tallakulam police station daily. He has also been instructed not to enter Ramanathapuram district.
Ten persons were injured and one seriously injured in the clash that broke out between Ritheesh's supporters and local people when Panchayat officials were making arrangements to lay a road at Kavalankudi. The villagers opposed it stating that the work, a long pending demand, had been taken up only because of the April 13 assembly elections.
Meanwhile, former AIADMK minister V T Natararajan joined the public and questioned the officials about the timing of the work and alleged it was initiated only because of the elections, leading to the clash, police said.
Ritheesh, who arrived the scene with his supporters, allegedly attacked Narayanan,a local resident and other AIADMK men with stones and sticks, police said. Police had registered cases against Ritheesh under various sections of the IPC including criminal intimidation, committing atrocities against SC/ST people and using obscene words in a public place.
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