Bollywood diva Lara Dutta and tennis ace Mahesh Bhupathi's debut production venture 'Chalo Dilli' is releasing this Friday (29 April) and the recently married couple are too excited for words. The two stepped into production with their home banner Bheegi Basanti Entertainment in association with Big Daddy Productions.
While they are keenly looking forward to audience response for the movie, they have already made plans for their second project.
Buzz is that the ace tennis player will step on screen for the first time in their next production. Co-producer of 'Chalo Dilli' Krishika Lulla is confident that Mahesh will prove to be a good actor. However she had to persuade him for some time before he gave his nod to act.
The yet-to-be-titled film is said to be a thriller drama and will be directed by Shashant Shah, the 'Chalo Dilli' helmer. In fact Mahesh agreed to make his debut on screen for Shah, since they share good rapport and share same mindset when it comes to film making.
Now this is not surprising that Mahesh is going to don the grease paint, as his colleague Leander Peas has already signed up a film titled 'Rajdhani Express', directed by Ashok Kohli.
Let's see how these talented sportsmen prove their acting talent as well
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