Maruti Suzuki in a meeting held with the Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, on Tuesday expressed its intention to set up a manufacturing plant in the state having production capacity of 10 lakh units per annum, expandable up to 20 lakh.
Managing Director of Maruti Suzuki, Mr Shinzo Nakanishi, and Chairman, Mr R C Bhargava, during their meeting with the Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, said that Gujarat would be their first preference for the expansion project, a statement released by the state government said.
They hoped that the location of the site and other formalities for the phase—I of the project would get completed in three months and the plant could go on stream in five years, it said adding the plant would generate employment for nearly 1.50 lakh people.
Official sources close to the development said the company has zeroed in on a location near Sanand where Tata Motors' plant to make Nano is also situated.
The Gujarat government and the company top brass have expressed satisfaction over today's meeting.
"The attitude of the Chief Minister and the Government of Gujarat has been very positive," Mr R C Bhargava, told reporters after meeting Modi.
"For that reason, Gujarat certainly is a very strong probability for our expansion project," he said.
If the decision to set up the plant in Gujarat is finalised, it will be the first major investment by Maruti outside Haryana, where it has been present since its inception in 1983.
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